Condamine News 2016

Visit from Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
December 7th, 2016
The Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Dale Last MP, visited the Condamine Electorate last week to see firsthand the diversity of this region. He was shown around Beef City Feedlot with manager, Sean Sturgess, we toured the Felton Valley which included broccoli and lettuce growers, David and Debbie House’s “Kola Farm” and met with David May at DA Hall & Co poultry farm. That evening, Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise hosted a Platinum Christmas Party which we attended. The next day we caught up with Wayne Newton, Agforce Grains President before checking out the Australian Stockhorse Association’s event at the Dalby Showgrounds.

White Ribbon Day in Dalby
November 28th, 2016
White Ribbon Day recognises the campaign to end violence against women. I attended a Breakfast in Dalby last Friday hosted by Simplicity, an event that went a long way to raising awareness of this issue which affects so many families in all regions. Over 300 men attended the breakfast to take the oath and left with the message to 'stand up, speak out and act' to end violence against women. I am joined here by Western Downs Regional Council CEO Ross Musgrove and Inspector Mike Curtain.

Toowoomba and District Old Machinery Society's Heritage Rally
November 1st, 2016
Last weekend, I attended the Toowoomba and District Old Machinery Society's Heritage Rally held at the Oakey Showgrounds. I officially opened the event on Saturday and spent some time looking at the old machinery including over 100 Catarpillar machines and an old LA Case tractor which was the one I used to drive.
Dave Tickel showed me his old Cat dozer and Allan Boardman let me drive his truck in the Grand Parade. It was great to see all the activity in the town of Oakey. Every motel I drove past showed 'No Vacancy" and there were plenty of people camping in caravans. Society President Allan Boardman reported that in the event's 20th year, it was the best attendance yet.

Annual General Meeting of the Condamine Alliance
October 26th, 2016
I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Condamine Alliance last week. The Condamine Alliance works with communities to repair and conserve the environment in the Condamine Catchment. Through programs and funding initiatives, the Alliance creates opportunities for the community to get involved and learn how to protect their natural resources.

Knights of the Southern Cross QLD Dinner
October 25th, 2016
Pat was the Guest Speaker at the Knights of the Southern Cross QLD Dinner hosted by Wynnum Manly Branch 46. The event helped to raise funds for St Brigit’s Parish, Longreach Drought Appeal. Pat addressed the crowd and highlighted the struggles of farmers in the country compared to those of city folk.

50 years of dedicated service as a Justice of the Peace
October 25th, 2016
Pat recently presented Mr Lionel Larsen with his certificate marking 50 years of dedicated service as a Justice of the Peace in Dalby.

Toowoomba Regional Council Mayoral Awards
October 25th, 2016
Pat’s great niece Nickayla recently received a Mayor’s Award for her hard work at school. Pat was joined for the presentation by Nickayla’s mum Kylie, and step dad Troy, as well as his sister Kate. The Toowoomba Regional Council Mayoral Awards recognised the hard work of these students who have overcome some disabilities to achieve success.

Dalby Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards
October 25th, 2016
Pat attended the Dalby Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards and is seen here with Trudi Bartlett from the Dalby Chamber. Congratulations to the award recipients in all categories. The Business Excellence Awards for 2016 attracted over 400 entries in both the Judge’s Choice and people’s Choice Categories. The Gala presentation Dinner, held at the Dalby Showgrounds was attended by a crowd of more than 450 supporters

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Graduation Mass
October 25th, 2016
The graduates from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Graduation Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Toowoomba.

Vangaurd Laundry inspection
October 25th, 2016
Last week, I visited The Clubhouse in Toowoomba, for an inspection of Vangaurd Laundry which is a vital service for homeless people that will enable them to be able to do their laundry. I met with Jo Sheppard, CEO of Toowoomba Clubhouse and inspected the Vanguard Laundry development with Luke Terry.

Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative
October 25th, 2016
Last Tuesday, I attended a Luncheon for the Graduation of the 11 Dalby people who completed The Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative. Congratulations to these 11 proud locals who I presented with their certificates and are now ready to go to work.

Opening of the Felton Hall
October 21st, 2016
Pat recently attended the official opening of the Felton Hall. He was joined by Federal member for Groom, John McVeigh and is also seen here with Mr Ian Whan, Friends of Felton Chairman.

Read with Me Literacy
October 5th, 2016
The Pittsworth Early Years Network will celebrate Read with Me Literacy again this year with a street parade on Friday, 28 October. This year, the focus will be on children’s vocabulary development using the theme of Whimsical and Whacky Characters.
Prior to the parade, local author Emma Mactaggart, will provide a series of fun and interactive workshops for the children to build on this theme. Parents, students and the community are invited to join in the activities and demonstrate that the Pittsworth Community values and supports families in children’s literacy.

Annual Tin Can Bay Seafood Festival
September 29th, 2016
Pat accepted fellow LNP Members' invitation to visit the Gympie Electorate.
Pat was welcomed by Mr Tony Perrett MP Member for Gympie and Mr Dale Last MP Member for Burdekin and Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
The team visited several local business in the electorate including Gympie Timbers, spoke with many stallholders at the Annual Tin Can Bay Seafood Festival and a visit to the famous Rainbow Beach.
It was a great weekend and a very impressive festival!!!

Pat Weir MP welcomes common sense decision on Backpacker Tax
September 28th, 2016
Member for Condamine, Pat Weir MP said Queensland farmers and tourism operators would benefit from the Federal Government’s decision to slash a proposed tax rate on backpackers.
“I welcome the Turnbull Government’s common sense decision to listen to community concerns over the Backpacker Tax and implement a rate that will continue to encourage young tourists to visit and work in Australia,” Mr Pat Weir MP.
“The new rate announced by the Federal Government is welcome recognition of the vital role backpackers play in Queensland’s tourism and agriculture sectors.
“By reducing the proposed tax, the Government has given our farmers certainty and allowed working holiday makers to spend more time contributing to our communities and the local economy.”
Mr Pat Weir MP said the income earned by our farmers and tourism operators flowed through to the regions that needed it most.
“After months of discussions, I’m pleased a positive outcome has been reached for our hardworking Queenslanders who just want a fair go,” he said.
“The LNP will continue to support our regional industries, unlike the Palaszczuk Labor Government whose Green-agenda continues to threaten agriculture, jobs, business and prosperity across the State.”
Media contact:
Condamine Office
Phone: 07 45704100

Dalby Drone Industry Forum
September 26th, 2016
Pat accepted the invitation to attend the Dalby Drone Industry Forum – ‘Turning the Drone Opportunity into Reality.”
Many presentations were completed by key industry experts from across the drone aviation sector.
These forums will raise awareness for industries such as agriculture, resources and local government to see drones as a ‘best practice’ rather than ‘future technology’.
A very informative forum – thank you to everyone involved.

Clifton Co-Op Hospital Complex
September 22nd, 2016
The Clifton Co-Op Hospital Complex is a private (not-for-profit) organisation providing excellence in care, quality of life and the best possible environment for each patient and resident. I was impressed with the complex and the range of services it provides to the community and region of Clifton.

Fireweed Field Walk
September 21st, 2016
Cambooya Landcare hosted a Fireweed Field Walk this week to discuss the impacts that Fireweed is having on landscape and animal health. Attendees were shown the results of different chemical treatments in a Fireweed infested pasture. A very informative session. For more information you can go to

Ambulance Week
Ambulance Week - 12 - 16 September 2016
This week the hard work of all Ambulance Officers will be celebrated as the community takes a moment to thank each Ambulance Officer for the incredible job they do.

Jackie Howe Festival
September 5th, 2016
I caught up with Clive & Shirley Wilkins and Vonnie Meier at the Jondaryan Woolshed Jackie Howe Festival on the weekend. Events like this bring the community together and attracts numerous visitors to the region.

Southbrook Spring Debutante Ball
September 5th, 2016
It was an honour to attend the Southbrook Spring Debutante Ball on Saturday night and assist with the judging of the Debs. The girls, and their partners, were a credit to their parents and the school.

22-Push Up Challenge
September 1st, 2016
I was happy to join in the "22-Push Up Challenge" on the Speaker's Green, Parliament House this morning.
Supporting a great cause for veteran suicide with retired ADF member David Vilder and team: Deb Frecklington MP, Scott Emerson MP, Dale Last MP and Lachlan Millar MP

‘New BreastScreen’ premises
August 21st, 2016
I attended the Official opening of the ‘New BreastScreen’ premises in Toowoomba on Friday. This refurbishment now accommodates the Medical Imaging Department and the BreastScreen Queensland Toowoomba Service.
The $1.85 million BreastScreen project will provide a new level of convenience to BreastScreen clients from Toowoomba and neighbouring districts.
On touring the premises - an additional mammography room, state-of-the-art equipment, additional ultrasound rooms, examination room and counselling room, dedicated screening and assessment waiting area and there is plenty of parking which is welcomed by both clients and staff.
Congratulations on the new premises and for continuing to provide high quality care to the women of Toowoomba and surrounding areas.

Dalby’s Delicious and DeLIGHTful Festival.
August 20th, 2016
With over 700 lanterns, choosing one wasn’t easy, however, there was a standout lantern.
The lantern, decorated with Bugs Bunny, carrots and all, was the work of Nick Tyler.
Dalby State School took out the group award with so many creative lanterns on display.
The festival overall was a great success with hundreds of people crowding the banks of Myall Creek to enjoy the music, food and lantern parade.

Downs Industry Schools Co-Operation
Augusst 10th, 2016
A visit to the Dalby office of DISCO (Downs Industry Schools Co-Operation Inc) introduced me to the work being done to assist disengaged young people access a range of support programs to help them in their career choices and develop work skills. I met some of the clients, as well as Mike, Nicole and Leanne who work to help them transition through school into further education, training or employment. What a great initiative!

Fair Laws for Farmers rally
August 9th, 2016
What a great response for the Fair Laws for Farmers rally today. We made our voices heard! The rally, organised by Agforce, walked from Queen's Park in George Street to Parliament House protesting the changes to the Vegetation Management laws. The proposed changes would have a negative impact on landholders' property rights, agricultural sector productivity and jobs in regional communities. The Palaszczuk Labor Government needs to get the message loud and clear, farmers need more support NOT more laws.

Congratulations to David Janetzki
1st August, 2016
Congratulations to David Janetzki on his recent election as the Member for Toowoomba South. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome David as he commences his new position as part of the state parliamentary LNP team. David will make a wonderful addition to the strong LNP team we already have in this region. I look forward to working with David to ensure the people of the Darling Downs and Toowoomba have effective representation in the state parliament.
My warmest congratulations also to David Littleproud and John McVeigh as they become the new Federal members for Maranoa and Groom respectively, and Senator for Queensland Barry O’Sullivan upon retaining his position in the Senate. We have a wonderful team at both the federal and state levels in this part of Queensland and I am looking forward to working together as part of the strong LNP team in this region to develop infrastructure in our area, create jobs and ensure health and education services have appropriate outcomes.

Applications open for Young Care At Home Grants
July 26th, 2016
Youngcare At Home Care Grants (AHCG) are available again for young people with high care needs in Queensland.
AHCG enhances the quality of life for young people (aged 18-65 years) living at home with high care needs and at risk of entering aged care.
The 2016 Youngcare funding is able to provide $200,000 worth of grants through the next round of the AHCG program in Queensland.
Applications open on Wednesday, 3 August 2016 and closed on Wednesday, 14 September 2016.
The online application form and information booklet can be accessed from:

Dalby U3A celebrates 20 years
July 22nd, 2016
The Dalby U3A (University of the Third Age) celebrated 20 years of friendship and education this week and I was privileged to attend the celebratory luncheon on Wednesday. I have a long association with this group of people, with my mother being long term friends of the first president, Marg Neville and current president, Marg Cook.
Photo: Marg Cook, myself and Marg Neville, at the U3A luncheon prior to cutting the cake.

Red Cross voluntees needed
22nd July, 2016
A visit to the Dalby Red Cross made me aware of the lack of volunteers to this remarkable community group. Currently, the Red Cross Dalby Branch only has seven members and would welcome anyone who has some time to assist. I caught up with June Crump, long time Red Cross volunteer.

Simplicity Australia visit
July 22nd, 2016
Simplicity Australia is another success story for Dalby. Simplicity is the home of the most innovative and comprehensive range of air seeders in Australia with a reputation for quality that attracts national and international markets. Starting off in a backyard shed, the business has grown to be a world player operating at the cutting edge of air seeder technology. Thanks to Troy Law, General Manager, for taking the time to show me around this impressive operation.

Arrow Energy’s Theten Farm project
July 14th, 2016
When an invitation arrived in my email to attend an information session and tour of Arrow Energy’s Theten Farm project this week, I took the opportunity of seeing the facility firsthand. Those in attendance were given an outline of Arrow’s Pest Animal Monitoring and Research Program, to be run by Darren Marshall, of QMDC, which will provide information on feral pig movement and numbers and management and control measures. The tour also included the Braemar 2 Power Station, the Daandine Central Gas Processing Facility and single and multi-well pads. Thanks to the team at Arrow Energy for hosting this interesting and informative program.

Royal Bull's Head inn visit with the Shadow Minister for the Environment & Heritage Protection
June 24th, 2016
With the Shadow Minister for the Environment & Heritage Protection, Dr Christian Rowan, in the Electorate this week, I took the opportunity to show him one of the fine historical buildings in our area. The Royal Bull’s Head Inn was established in 1847 by ex-convict William Horton and was constructed to offer lodgings, stable animals and host events. In 1879, the property was brought by local saddler, Richard Lynch, who converted it into a family home, which it continued to be until 1973. The National Trust Queensland Toowoomba Branch instigated an extensive reconstruction and conservation effort and the Royal Bull’s Head Inn opened to the public as a museum in 1985. Sheila King, Vice-President, National Trust of Australia Queensland Toowoomba Branch, kindly escorted us through the building and pointed out items and places of interest. What an interesting old place to visit and absorb the history of this region.

A big day in Dalby!
June 23rd, 2016
While in Dalby today, I took the opportunity of dropping in to Waminda to say hello to some of the clients, such as Peter who demonstrated his skill on the drums.
I also had the opportunity to visit Dingo Australia, a local Dalby business, that has introduced a new, innovative fencing system that caters particularly for long distance fencing with a rural applications. (such as stock routes, properties etc) The system is made up of aluminium posts and strainers which virtually makes the system rust-proof. The five to six strand fence is rolled out efficiently and effectively in a cost-effective way saving on time and installation costs.

Shadow Minister for the Environment visits Oakey Beef Exports
June 22nd, 2016
Oakey Beef Exports is one of the success stories of the Darling Downs and it gave me a real sense of pride to take Dr Christian Rowan, the Shadow Minister for the Environment through the processing plant this week. Oakey Beef’s General Manager, Pat Gleeson took us on a tour of the plant showing us the vast processing and packaging areas and explaining how the methane biogas produced by the plant is harnessed to generate energy.
Photo: Dr Christian Rowan, Shadow Minister for the Environment, Pat Gleeson, General Manager, Oakey Beef Exports, Pat Weir MP, Member for Condamine.

Nominations are now open for the 2016 Queensland Regional Achievement & Community Awards.
June 9th, 2016
The awards encourage, acknowledge and reward the valuable contributions of individuals, community groups and businesses are making throughout regional and rural Queensland.
I would encourage everyone to consider nominating a person, group or business in their community for these awards. Winners in each category receive $2,500 from the Commonwealth Bank. To check out the categories and submit a nomination, go to

Dalby Chamber of Commerce and Industry breakfast
June 7th, 2016
The breakfast for the Dalby Chamber of Commerce and Industry’ Business Before Hours was attended by 83 people this morning.
It was a great opportunity to update people on my first 18 months in Parliament and my role as the Member for Condamine.
Maranoa Candidate David Littleproud spoke about the opportunities of Maranoa and in particular those for Dalby with respect to growing our economy.
Cr Paul McVeigh spoke about his platform of People, Progress and Performance as the new Mayor. Tony Perrett MP Member for Gympie, for joined us for breakfast. I thank Tony for attending this morning.

Clifton Railway Visit
June 6th, 2016
I visited the Clifton Railway Station today – the history captured in this building is amazing.
The train comes from Warwick to Clifton and back again. The Clifton Railway Committee provide markets, movie matinee, tours and visits and a great place for lunch.
The next tour to Clifton is the 11 June 2016 – so all aboard!!
Thank you to Cynthia and the team of willing volunteers who work so hard to keep the Clifton Railway Station picture-perfect.

Bunya Campus of Dalby State High School
June 1st, 2016
Students at the Bunya Campus of Dalby State High School get a real hands-on experience when working with the livestock. I was impressed with the facilities and the interest shown by the students in rural activities. I took a tour of the sheep pens and cattle yards this week and spoke with students and staff about the extensive curriculum offered by the school.
Photo 1: (L-R) Anne Rathmell (Head of Campus, Bunya), Pat Weir MP, Dr Dean Russell (Principal) with students in the background working with the cattle.

At Ostwald Bros
May 19th, 2016
I visited a well know local business Ostwald Bros where I had the opportunity to meet Mr Rohan May, Group Employee Relations Manager and Dalby Chamber President and Ostwald workshop staff. I thank them for taking the time from their working day to meet with me.

Visit to Bridge Employment
May 18th, 2016
I had the opportunity to meet Mr Malcom Irvine from Bridge Employment. This organisation is a division of Waminda Services and helps people with a disability who are job ready to find and maintain employment in the open employment market. Well done to Malcolm and his team.

Dalby Crisis Support Association visit
May 18h, 2016
The Dalby Crisis Support Asociation provides an accessible confidential service to families in the Dalby community who find themselves in vulnerable situations and need immediate support. I visited Irene and the team at the Dalby Crisis Support Centre to get a better understanding of the great service this team provides to our community.

Darling Downs cotton growers of the year
May 17th, 2016
I visited 2015 Darling Downs cotton growers of the year, Brett and Liza Crothers on their property “Breza” near Dalby.
Brett took time out of his day to show me this year’s crop and I experienced firsthand the cotton picker round baler.

David Janetzki preselected for Toowoomba South
May 7th, 2016
I congratulate Mr David Janetzki on being preselected for Toowoomba South.
Pictured: Mr Pat Weir MP Member for Condamine; Mr David Janetzki Candidate for LNP Toowoomba South; Mr Tim Nicholls MP Opposition Leader.

ANZAC Day 2016
25th April, 2016
A day we remember those who severed our country during times of conflict and died in war and on operational service. We come here to commemorate one of the most significant event in our national calendar.
Thank you for the invitation to attend your ANZAC Day ceremony.
*Photos taken at the Westbrook, Drayton and Kingsthorpe services
(courtesy of the Oakey Champion" and “On Our Selection News”)

Dalby Show
17th April, 2016
I had the pleasure of officially opening this year's show. What a successful event!
Congratulations to the Dalby show committee, the volunteers and the exhibitors who put in a huge effort for the local community.

Gardeners of Pittsworth launch
April 14th, 2016
Today I attended the Official Launch of the ‘Gardeners of Pittsworth’ followed by a delightful morning tea.
The newly formed, not for profit organisation which allows the general public to view outstanding garden displays in our local community. This small committee driven by ex-Toowoomba Regional Councillor Ms Ros Scotney and dedicated gardeners were responsible for the launch.
The Guest of Honour Dame Quentin Bryce AD, CVO, Mayor Paul Antonio and keen gardeners enjoyed ...a morning tea hosted in the garden of Bryon and Belinda Cameron.
Over this weekend twelve local gardens and two historic homestead will be opened to the public to wander through enjoying and relaxing whilst gaining useful gardening tips.
For more information, visit-

Visiting QAS stations and Hospitals in Dalby
March 21st, 2016
Our nurses, doctors, paramedics, and allied health and staff do a great job in the Condamine. I shared a great sense of appreciation as I toured QAS stations and Hospitals in Dalby with Shadow Minister for Health, Mark McArdle.

Cecil Plains Golden Jubilee Celebrations
March 19th, 2016
A big thank you for the trip down memory lane and an enjoyable day. As a past student of the Cecil Plains State School Secondary Dept, I attended the Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Although Cecil Plains is a small school many children that attend are 3rd and even 4th generation students.
Congratulations Cecil Plains State School!
Queensland Farmer's Federation (QFF) launches new website
14th March, 2016
The Queensland Farmer's Federation (QFF) has launched a new website designed to assist Queensland famers and primary producers with simplified and localised support during natural disasters and drought.
Please visit to get all the latest news and information.

Oakey Show Winners!
March 12th, 2016
I was proud to present the trophies to the Poultry & Cagebird section winners at the Oakey Show.
The entries were very impressive this year.
Great effort by all and well done to the Winners!!!
This year’s Oakey Show was quite the successful one. There were many events to keep everyone entertained throughout the day.

Pittsworth Show visit
March 5th, 2016
I was honoured to open the Kev Loveday Cattle Shed at the Pittsworth Show. Mr Kev Loveday’s long term involvement and tireless efforts not only in the Pittsworth Show Society but also the cattle industry was deservingly recognised today. Kev was unaware of the Show Society's plans with the Cattle Shed being named in his honour until the official opening. What a surprise!!!
This year’s show was a full program of events to entertain people of all ages. What a great Day!

Australian Pacific LNG milestone
March 4th, 2016
I recently attended an event on Curtis Island, off Gladstone to celebrate Australian Pacific LNG reaching the significant milestone of producing coal seam gas for export as LNG from this port.
(1) Pat with Bryan Gray, Executive Officer, Regional Development Australia;
(2) Pat with Shane Charles, CEO, TSBE.

Bell Show 2016
February 27th, 2016
I had the opportunity to officially open the Bell Show for 2016. What a great day! Congratulations to all the organisers for another successful show year. Im already looking forward to next years'!

Clifton Show
February 15th, 2016
Congratulations to all the winners and everyone involved in this years successful Clifton Show. Waht a great day!

Young LNP given a lesson in agriculture and the economics
10th February, 2016
Pat had the pleasure of meeting with members of the Young LNP, who travelled to Dalby to experience an agricultural region and see first hand what farmers in the area produce and sell to local and overseas markets.
The group enjoyed a visit to "Loch Eaton" where they were given a lesson in agriculture and the economics of being a farmer by Paul McVeigh. They also took in some sorghum, cotton and mung bean crops, looked at irrigation systems and farm machinery. Overall, it was a very positive visit, with the group expressing an interest in farming and asking some great questions.
Photo 1: Paul McVeigh, from "Loch Eaton" speaks with the group about the farming business.
Photo 2: Talking with Jack Piggott, President YLNP, and Jessica Smith, Social Director YLNP.

Pittsworth District Alliance Business Breakfast
Feruary 2nd, 2016
What a wonderful morning at the Pittsworth District Alliance Business Breakfast . The Guest speakers were Nexus Infrastructure, contracted to build the 2nd range crossing. They provided a very infromative session.
Photo (L-R) Pat Weir MP Member for Condamine, Cr Anne Glasheen, Mr Mark Droney.

Padded cells needed for town's ice addicts
12th January, 2016 (Chronicle)
A RISE in methylamphetamine addiction is behind calls for more padded cells at police stations across the Darling Downs.
Member for Condamine Pat Weir has called for padded cells to be made available in Dalby for criminals who pose a danger to themselves.
Mr Weir called for more soft cells in light of the rise in ice use on the Darling Downs.
Dalby police currently have to transport offenders to Toowoomba if they are attempting to hurt themselves in their cells.
Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services and Minister for Corrective Services, Jo-Ann Miller said the situation would be addressed this year.
"I am advised the possible installation of a soft cell for the Dalby Watchhouse will be considered next year as part of the future Minor Capital Works programming for the whole of the State," she said.
Mr Weir said he planned to advocate for a faster turn-around on road side drug tests, which currently take up to six weeks to process.
He said the lack of rehabilitation services for methylamphetamine addicts, also needed to be addressed.
"While you do need to enforce the law I think there needs to be a lot more done to stop them taking it in the first place," he said.
"There should be a lot more offer of rehabilitation. If you go to court and you are fined and convicted, that's it.
"It's not good enough."

Wild storms damage crops
5th January, 2016
In January Pat revisited a number of properties that were hit hard in the pre Christmas wild storm, with Deb Frecklington MP, Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Pictured are local farmers Mr Kim Bremner and Mr Stuart Armitage, who took time to show us the damage to the crops.